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Your All-in-One Solution for Automated Blogging, SEO Content & Social Media Posting – only $97/Month

Automate Your Blog
Writing & SEO

  • Your inspiration and our AI – together, an unbeatable combo for top-tier content

  • Effortlessly from Concept to Final Post – we handle the tech, you own the vision

  • Plan your content dominance – a click is all it takes, and let us handle the rest

  • For Entrepreneurs, Freelancers And Business Owners Hungry For Growth

    It is time to stop the endless cycle of content creation. Stop spending countless hours on brainstorming, writing, and optimizing your content, only to start over again the next day. It's a relentless demand that eats into your most valuable asset: Time.

    Time that could be spent growing your business, engaging with customers, or enjoying well-deserved moments with family and friends. And each day ends with the same question:

    Is There A Better Way?

    Stop The Content Struggle!


    Manually write and publish

  • Stuck on ideas. You're lost on what to write next.

  • Content chaos. Managing a lot of content is overwhelming.

  • Time-consuming article creation. WordPress makes you slow.

  • Manual social sharing. Posting blog articles is a time sink.

  • Tedious image creation. Making new images takes too long.

  • SEO complexity. You don't know how to optimize for search engines.

  • Translation troubles. Making content multilingual is a hassle.

  • Hashtag headaches. Unsure how to pick the right social media tags.

  • Disrupted routines. Out-of-the-Box doesn't fit your way of doing things.


    Relax and let it work for you

  • Idea flow. Our solution generates content from keywords or existing material.

  • Organized interface. Everything is neatly sorted in one place.

  • Streamlined publishing. Content creation and posting, simplified.

  • Effortless sharing. Social media updates without the manual work.

  • Instant visuals. Forget about time-consuming image creation.

  • SEO simplified. Optimization handled for you, no expertise needed.

  • Easy multilingual. Translations provided without the headache.

  • Hashtag help. The right tags chosen for you, no expertise required.

  • Adaptive technology. It fits your routines, not the other way around.

  • It Only Takes 3 Simple Steps

    Step 1: Start the Engine

    Input your thoughts or existing content.

    Step 2: Proofread and Adjust

    Let AI and Automation take care of crafting high quality texts and images. You just proofread and make adjustments as you wish.

    Step 3: Press "Publish"

    Press „Publish“, sit back and watch the magic happen.

    Do You Want The Easiest Way To Get Content Produced?

    What You’ll Get

    From AI-driven written content creation to perfect-matching images, keyword research for SEO and social media, to SEO optimization and multi-language production, you'll be covered in every aspect of content creation. Fully customizable, adapting to your unique workflow and processes, ensuring that your content not only reaches but resonates with your audience.

  • Time-Saving Magic: Redirect hours back into your life and business.

  • AI-driven Content Creation: Unlimited, on autopilot.

  • Fully Customizable: Adapts to your unique workflow.

  • Idea Generation: From keywords or existing content.

  • SEO Mastery: Effortlessly rank higher and engage better, with all research done for you.

  • Social Media with ease: Effortless sharing.

  • Multilingual Content: Break language barriers.

  • Clean Interface: Everything organized in one place.


    Technology Behind The Magic


    WordPress and Notion

    Create your content with ease. Enjoy articles getting directly published on Wordpress, bypassing the usual content upload hassle. With Notion as your content database, control and organization are at your fingertips, making content management a breeze. Don't worry, the 1:1 onboarding process includes setup support, ensuring a smooth transition and integration into your daily workflow.

    The Power of LLMs

    Harness the power of the most advanced AI technologies available today. Primarily OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 Turbo, as well as Dall-E 3 for image creation, ensure your content is not only high-quality but also innovative and engaging. When needed, other leading Large Language Models like Anthropic Claude, Google Gemini, and Huggingface will be used to meet your requirements.

    What makes it different?

    Its comprehensive, all-done-for-you approach. Forget logging into multiple systems or spending countless hours in front of the computer. Our solution is designed to save you hundreds of hours, offering a better work-life balance while boosting your efficiency and profits.

    What's In For You

    Grow your audience while you sleep. A Small Setup Fee for Unlimited Content Creation – Your First Month Will Show You the Power!

  • All-done-for-you Written Content Creation on Autopilot

  • Your Personal AI Copywriter ($990)

  • Your Own AI SEO-Expert ($297)

  • AI Image Generator ($297)

  • AI Translator ($297)

  • All Prompting done-for-you ($297)

  • A Clean and Customizable Interface For All Your Content. ($197)

  • Unlimited Tokens to Create Unlimited Content ($54/month)

  • Lifetime Free Updates and Upgrades

  • 1:1 Onboarding

  • Instant WhatsApp-Support

  • A Flexible and Customized Solution Instead of Inflexible Out-of-the-box Software

  • Hundreds of Hours Available Again (priceless)

  • Exclusive Bonuses: Master Content Marketing Bundle ($97), Exclusive 1:1 Coaching to Learn How to Rank and Win The Content Game ($497), Tips & Tricks to Leverage AI In Your Business ($297)

  • Total value: $3,914
    And you’ll get it for JUST $597 + $97/month

    Be Happy Or Get Your Money Back

    No Questions. No Hassles. Just Results.

    If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, we offer a full refund within 24 hours after onboarding, and a 50% refund after a 7-day trial of the implemented solution. Plus, you can cancel your monthly subscription at any time.

    There's absolutely no risk in taking the first step towards transforming your content game.

    Sign Up Today And Get Your Bonus Growth Toolkit!

    Bonus #1: Master Content Marketing Bundle

    Get ahead in the digital game! Four essential guides to boost your SEO, increase web traffic, and master content creation. Perfect for anyone looking to enhance their online strategy.

    ($97 Value)

    Bonus #2: Exclusive 1:1 Coaching

    Get an exclusive 1:1 coaching and learn how to rank on Google and win the content game without spending countless hours.

    ($497 Value)

    Bonus #3: How to Leverage AI

    Get Insights and Tips & Tricks from our experts on how to leverage AI in your business and be at least one step ahead.

    ($297 Value)

    The Total Value of the Bonuses amounts to $897 in absolute Value!

    So...What's The Catch?

    We understand the hesitation. The market is flooded with tools and services promising results but failing to deliver. However, we don’t offer an Out-of-the-Box solution, but a fully-customizable solution that truly fits your needs. Topped with our unmatched guarantee, there is literally no risk for you.

    • Designed with flexibility in mind

    • Suitable for any level of tech-savviness

    • 1:1 onboarding for a smooth transition

    Watch Out!

    Limited Slots Only

    In just 7 days, you can revolutionize your approach to content, save hundreds of hours, and see your business soar. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your content game forever.

    But hurry! We can only onboard 10 new clients per month.
    Act Fast to Secure Your Spot & Exclusive Perks!

  • You’ll be onboarded within 7 days.

  • You’ll get unlimited tokens ($54/month)

  • You’ll get up to 10 Social Media Channels to share on.

  • You’ll get the second language for free. ($297)

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    + What makes this different from other content creation platforms?

    Unlike most offers on the market, we don't offer a one-size-fits-all solution, but customise the processes individually to your needs. We also take care of the entire set-up for you.

    + Is the solution suitable for beginners?

    Yes, absolutely. We'll teach you everything you need to know.

    + How long does it take to see results?

    Immediately after onboarding, the solution will be customised to your needs. As soon as the system is up and running, you can create and publish content. We cannot guarantee results in terms of visitors, leads and sales, as this is very individual.

    + Is there a limit to the number of articles I can create per month?

    There are various limits depending on the tariff. However, this offer gives you the opportunity to produce unlimited content. The only restriction imposed are by the LLM providers. You can ask for the exact limitations at info(at)smartfox.group.

    + Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

    Yes, of course. You can cancel at the end of each month.

    + What happens after cancellation?

    When your subscription expires, your content automation will be switched off.

    Still Not Convinced?

    Discover our Free Ultimate Guide to Content Marketing Success.

    In this guide you will learn...

  • The foundational importance of content marketing in today’s digital landscape.

  • Strategies for creating compelling, high-quality content that engages audiences.

  • Effective content marketing strategies to promote your brand and increase visibility.

  • But Don't Wait Too Long,
    Take Action Now!

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